Heather Blurton’s research and teaching interests are in the high Middle Ages (rather loosely interpreted as 950 – 1250) in England and France, particularly in literary responses to the Norman Conquest, the intersections of romance, hagiography and historiography, Jewish/Christian encounters and the medieval history of antisemitism, and medieval monsters. She is the author of three books – Cannibalism in High Medieval English Literature (Palgrave MacMillan 2007), The Critics and the Prioress: Antisemitism, Criticism, and Chaucer’s Prioress’s Tale co-authored with Hannah R. Johnson (University of Michigan Press, 2017), and Inventing William of Norwich: Thomas of Monmouth, Antisemitism and Literary Culture, 1150 – 1200 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022) – as well as the edited collections Rethinking the South English Legendaries,with Jocelyn Wogan-Browne and Bestsellers and Masterpieces: the changing medieval canon, with Dwight F. Reynolds. She is currently working on a book on the literary history of Richard the Lionheart.