We support our students at every stage of their degree, and we offer help and guidance as they prepare to enter the job market. Students can attend professional workshops to help them write their resumes and cover letters, prepare mock interviews and practice job talks, and more. Our placement officer organizes guest lectures, alumni events and webinars for students interested in a variety of careers both in academia and beyond.
Be sure to also check out resources beyond the program:
The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center's Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program offers opportunities to contribute to the community and develop publicly engaged humanities and meaningful career opportunities outside academia.
The Graduate Division offers a variety of career tools and opportunities.
UCSB Career Services offers individualized counseling via a Graduate Student Career Counselor on Staff.
Below are a number of helpful career-related links:
- The Chronicle of Higher Education which includes job entries
- The Job Information List of the MLA
- Interfolio for your full application dossier
- Academic Job Online for your full application dossier
- http://theprofessorisin.com: the popular blog on issues from graduate funding to the job market and tenure
- The Versatile PhD: the largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs
- Connected Academics website: https://connect.mla.hcommons.org/
- Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Program places recent PhDs in government and the non-profit sector: https://www.acls.org/programs/mellon-acls-public-fellows/