In addition to the World History survey (Hist 2c: 1700-present, F’16 syllabi and assignments), I teach upper division courses covering German history from 1800 to present (Hist 133A,B,C), including topical courses about the Nazi Holocaust and other genocides, and their legacies (Hist 133D and seminars 133Q and 133R). My research focuses on how, since 1945, various groups have looked back on events in German history, and what meanings they construct from that retrospection.
In UCSB’s graduate program I teach courses about museums and what is commonly called collective memory (detailed syllabus/website with many pdf readings), as well as about digital history (201DH: Digital History webpage with 2015 syllabus), World History (200WD webpage) and German history (2002 syllabus).
My personal website has web pages about my research and the full texts of many of my publications. Sections below on this web page have direct links to my more important publications.