Cristina Venegas is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies where she teaches courses related to history, criticism and theory with an emphasis on Latin American film and media. She is the author of Digital Dilemmas: The State, the Individual and Digital Culture in Cuba (Rutgers, 2010), and co-editor of Digital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in Latin America (Palgrave, 2020). Her current book project is titled Julio García Espinosa and the Imperfect Imagination and examines the global legacy of the eponymous Cuban filmmaker’s (1926-2016) theory, creative practice and cultural work. She is co-editor of the Media Matters book series for Rutgers University Press, and has curated numerous film programs at UCSB and beyond, served as juror for several international film festivals and film script competitions. In 2004, she co-founded the highly successful Latino CineMedia Festival in Santa Barbara (until-2011) in partnership with community artists and University leaders.
related to history, criticism and theory with an emphasis on Latin American film and media. She is the author of DigitalCristina Venegas is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies where she teaches courses related to history, criticism and theory with an emphasis on Latin American film and media. She is the author of Digital Dilemmas: The State, the Individual and Digital Culture in Cuba (Rutgers, 2010), and co-editor ofDigital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in Latin America(Palgrave, 2020). Her current book project is titledJulio García Espinosa and the Imperfect Imagination andexamines the global legacy of the eponymous Cuban filmmaker’s (1926-2016) theory, creative practice and cultural work. She is co-editor of theMedia Mattersbook series for Rutgers University Press, and has curated numerous film programs at UCSB and beyond, served as juror for several international film festivals and film script competitions. In 2004, she co-founded the highly successful Latino CineMedia Festival in Santa Barbara (until-2011) in partnership with community artists and University leaders. Dilemmas: The State, the Individual and Digital Culture in Cuba (Rutgers, 2010), and co-editor ofDigital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in Latin America(Palgrave, 2020). Her current book project is titledJulio García Espinosa and the Imperfect Imagination andexamines the global legacy of the eponymous Cuban filmmaker’s (1926-2016) theory, creative practice and cultural work. She is co-editor of theMedia Mattersbook series for Rutgers University Press, and has curated numerous film programs at UCSB and beyond, served as juror for several international film festivals and film script competitions. In 2004, she co-founded the highly Festival in Santa Barbara (until-2011) in partnership with community artists and University leaders.