Colin Gardner



Research areas include: critical theory, film studies, the culture of the Cold War, visual literacy, Deleuze and minor literatures, Beckett Studies. Colin Gardner's recent book is Beckett, Deleuze and the Televisual Event: Peephole Art (2012), a critical study of Samuel Beckett's experimental work for film and television and its connection to Gilles Deleuze's ontology of the image in Cinema 1 and Cinema 2. Gardner contributed the chapter on Roland Barthes to Felicity Colman's Film, Theory & Philosophy: The Key Thinkers (2009) and is currently collaborating with Dr. Colman on a four-Volume Encyclopedia of Film-Philosophy (2021), which attempts to bridge the gap between continental and analytic approaches. With Patricia MacCormack he co-wrote Deleuze and the Animal (2017); with MacCormack he also co-edited Ecosophical Aesthetics: Art, Ethics and Ecology with Guattari (2018).